Wednesday, January 8, 2014

40 Shades of Pink

If you are reading the title and groaning, “Not again!”, you’re right.  But this is not a title trying to ride the 50 shades wagon, it’s just a statement from a guide explaining the color of the buildings in Yerevan.
As per the guide,Yerevan used to be called the Pink City because it was built using the ‘Tuff’ stone, a stone from Armenia that comes in 40 shades of pink. Somewhere else on the internet, they say the Pink City name comes from the ‘flamboyant characters of Yerevan’s young population’. More interesting!
Nowadays though, tuff is not used as much in the buildings and a little grey is creeping in. The guide does not say how many shades of grey are used though:)
But pink or grey, Yerevan is still a very nice city to walk around, especially this time of year before the winter turns it into all shades of white.

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